38th Season Begins, COVID-19 Addition
Lake City Hockey begins it's 38th Season on Tuesday, October 13th with the Mariners and Trojans followed by the Chief and Rink Rats Thursday 15th.
Sportsplex COVID-19 Rules, please read carefully.The Lake City Gentlemen's Hockey League will begin it's 38th Season on October 13th and 15th.
The Secunda Mariners, Terra Trojans, Rink Rats and Chezzetcook Chiefs will play an 18 game regular season followed by Best of 3 Semi Final, with two playing the Best of 5 Lake City Cup Final.
Even though COVID-19 is still with us, we are learning to live with it. This includes rules that we as citizens are dealing with everyday.
The Zatzman Sportsplex following the Province's Department of Health have given it's participants rules to follow when using their facility, please read carefully.
Hopefully we can complete a season without having to shutdown again.
I will need Contact Tracing information from all that participate in the Lake City Gentlemen's Hockey League.
All participants are required to check in at the Welcome Desk when entering through the main entrance. Please provide the group name that the rental is listed under.
To exit the building, please use the stairs located by the dressing rooms. This will lead you to the exit for our parking lot. Any participants requiring the use of the elevator will exit through the main entrance.
• You must be wearing a mask when you enter the Sportsplex. If you are not wearing one, you will not be allowed to enter.
• You can take your mask off after you have entered your dressing room.
• Masks are not required to be worn while you are on the ice.
• After your rental is complete, you must put your mask on in the dressing room before you leave and wear it until you have left the building.
• Masks must be worn whenever you are leaving your rental area (in the washroom, in hallways, etc.)
• People with medical conditions that restrict them from wearing a mask are exempt.
For contact tracing purposes, each rental group is required to have a list of participants with their contact information for each ice time. If contact tracing is required, it will be the responsibility of the organizer to communicate with their members and provide information to public health.
I will need a list of the players, as well as referees and some form of contact information to each player / referee, either email or phone number.
I will not give this information to any other person or organization, except public health when asked.
I need one person on each team to confirm with our timekeeper who is playing each game, most player names will be on game reports.
This will include Referees.
Prior to the start of the season and access to the facility:
Signed liability participant waivers (attached to this email)
It's purpose is simply to protect HRM and myself (your group representative as lessor of the ice-time) against any lawsuit for negligence if someone is injured or becomes ill. Please have your players read it before they sign. They can either scan it back to you or bring a paper copy to the rink on their first game. Oct 13th, 15thor Dec. 3rd if that is their first game.
Please follow all directional signage as posted. Dressing room assignments are clearly posted at the beginning of the hallway and outside each room. Please ensure that your group is using the correct room(s). Please remain in your assigned dressing room(s) until the start of your ice time.
Participants have access to the dressing rooms 15 minutes before and after their rental. If you can get dressed or finish getting dressed in the 15-minute allotted time, that is permitted. If participants are not dressed on time for their ice rental, no additional ice time will be added.
Showers are available in each team room.
If teams go over the 15 minute time limit then the use of showers will have to be re-evaluated)
Spitting is not permitted anywhere in the facility.
A maximum of 50 participants are allowed without social distancing for each rental. This includes all players, goalies, coaches, instructors, referees, timekeepers, etc. This applies to practices, competitions, and recreation leagues for organized physical activity. 5-on-5 play is now permitted for these groups.
• Social distancing on benches (this is just good practice since no masks are being worn)
• No outside food or beverage can be brought into the facility. (your water bottle is permitted)